Crystal Imager

Easy Connectivity for Maximum Flexibility

Crystal Imager is a DICOM imager, that makes network connectivity easy.

Two Media Sizes On-line

Despite its compact size, Crystal Imager features two media sizes on-line, with four media sizes available. The imager thus ofers enhanced fexibility and convenience, as it is not necessary to constantly load a new media format for diferent image sizes. With its ultra-short access time for the frst flm and its throughput of 75 sheets per hour (14 x 17 inch), Crystal Imager ofers versatility and improved workfow for almost all radiology applications.

Next-to-Application Imaging

The unit’s small footprint means that convenient, next-to-application installation is possible in even the most space-restricted environments. Crystal Imager’s freedom of placement, combined with its low investment and running costs, makes it the perfect match for any modality. A total, one-stop imaging solution through its intelligent matching of Direct Digital Imaging technology, media and imager, Crystal Imager is designed to stand at the heart of iCRco’s integrated solutions. Combined with state-of-the-art Crystal Imager media, diagnostic quality greyscale hard copies of the highest standard are delivered time after time. Because it is heat-sensitive rather than light-sensitive, Crystal Imager brings the added convenience of daylight loading.


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